Sunday, December 13, 2009

first post, what else?!

okay whoever who even bothers to come to my blog knows that i really aint a blog person, so the whole blog's a mess. yeah. you'd prolly even noticed that i didnt even did up my profile properly. hah, those are really the parts that make me not want to have a blog.

in any case, i wanna thanks johnsten/dwagon for having done up the really beautiful blog i used to have, the black blogskin with the tagboard and all, and sorry, i deleted it. i just felt that it was going to waste under my horrible care. yes, sorry and thanks once again, though i dont think you'd ever come to my blog.

well, i wonder what the first post is supposed to be like. issit those kind where people all just mention their names and what they like dislike blah, and then go on telling every reader they what went on in their lives. PLEASE, don't come to my page with the thought of it's just ANOTHER GIRL'S blog *coz you know being my friend, you gotta know what's rule number one (a wink to those who get what i mean)* like purlease, spare me all the details, sometimes i really have no interest in what time you woke up and how you brush your teeth WHAT toothpaste you used to brush your teeth, and prolly how long you took to brush your teeth. yeah, please, nah ah. sorry reader, but if you actually thought that my blog was going to be something like that because youre interested in what i do in my life, scoot off, my blog aint gonna be anything of that sort.

well, at most i'lll just highlight the really major or thought-provoking thing that happened, but if you're thinking what underwear i'm gonna wear after my shower, nah ah. too bad honey, it's definitely something in your wildest dreams. WAHA IM SO NAUGHTY! well, if youre wondering what am i going to blog about, here's letting you know. i think a lot. sometimes maybe a little excessive, but yeah basically i think about stuff, deeply. things and events, including really small acts trigger my thoughts(naturally the title of my blog is as such). basically, it's like articles lah, forum discussion, something like that.

i think as i continue to blog, which i really pray hard to myself this time i can really blog regularly, you might think that i'm maybe, a rather opinionated girl? or maybe my thoughts are really way off. hahaha sometimes i think so too. i might, no, i definitely will talk about very debatable issues, but hey, i'm just expressing my views. if you disagree with me, i'm completely fine, it's great that everyone has their own way of thinking. i'm not intending to offfend anyone here, so i'll try my best to watch my tone when it comes to the really sensitive subjects, but i suppose i wont delve so far in.

yes, so this is my first post, i dont know if some of you are already thinking geezes i'll never come back to this blog, or maybe some readers never made it here, but yeah, i like my first post to be like this, so it IS like this. c'mon, i type what comes to my mind instantly, ha to a certain extent i wonder if you'll feel that i'm actually just speaking to you directly, given my language. and please, dont go around saying aiyoh singaporeans ah, their engaaalish is seriously so poor, look at their blogs, they cant even type sentences properly with caps and punctuations. hello, this is a blog, which a refer to as an online diary, and you certainly dont look up the dictionary to write what you want in your diary. not even the people in america or england so that, if not where'd you think the wassup dawg came from? tsk, it's all about the situation, speak appropriate for the situation you're in, which is a topic i would write about. some other day though, i think this post is a little long for the first post, judging by the standard that ive never blogged in..... well aha see it's been so long i cant rmb.

yes i know holidays sucks homework is never ending blah. well at least christmas is coming, i think i can get some presents from my buds, so that's why dec hols arent that bad. but this year's holiday, really, sucks. although i did find something that i really love doing. hee!

i dont know how people sign off usually they do all those ''personal tagphrase'' thingy like

my tears fell on __(time)__

or something like that. that comes with the blog skin right. i'm clueless, so heck it. oh yes there's those that go

loves everyonexzxz

wahaha that's really not my style. to those who do all these, please do not mistaken i am NOT mocking all of you, in fact i think it's really unique coz i havent seen any two identical sign offs, so it's great, no offence yeah(: just for me, i dont think i do those kinda stuff, yeah. oh yes, in my blog i'm intending to do a word/sentence/phrase of the day kinda thing, coz i feel those are the really small things that people leave out or neglect or that the words just pass by them without them really thinking about it deeper somehow, so i hope i can post some thought-provoking/inspiring blah something like that. not for this time tho, i realised that my post really has no structure, goodness.

alright my mind just went blank. i'll just end here. tata~!


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